Is it possible to compare two images of W10 in NTLite?



I have a question, may the advanced users of NTLite can answer, is possible to load 2 images of windows 10 and them compare the images?
For example Load image 1 and them load image 2 and click compare ? or I need to load one image and see what the image has and them unload and load image 2 and see if the components are the same?
Best would be using presets, and recently it's much deeper with the switch:
ntlite.exe /forcelistcomponents /saveallstates

Newer way below.

After starting the tool with those switches, load a first image, just on the Source page choose Preset - Save As, name it as whatever.
Image - New Session, load a second image, also save a preset differently named.
Compare those two text/xml files.

Don't forget to remove the switch for normal use, and unload the images if not planning to modify them then.
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Best would be using presets, and recently it's much deeper with the switch:
ntlite.exe /forcelistcomponents /saveallstates

After starting the tool with those switches, load a first image, just on the Source page choose Preset - Save As, name it as whatever.
Image - New Session, load a second image, also save a preset differently named.
Compare those two text/xml files.

Don't forget to remove the switch for normal use, and unload the images if not planning to modify them then.
nuhi just do here and works perfectly , thanks nuhi <3
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Hi is it possible to have a screenshot i don't understand thanks

ntlite.exe /forcelistcomponents /saveallstates ??
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Hi is it possible to have a screenshot i don't understand thanks

ntlite.exe /forcelistcomponents /saveallstates ??
Right-click in the NTLite shortcut, and them where's located target click and press space and them paste this /forcelistcomponents /saveallstates
Hi is it possible to have a screenshot i don't understand thanks
I haven't tried this trick myself, and I realize - now that I've been given the command line - how to start it.

But I agree, a small Guide with some screen shots showing comparing the images would be helpful. And perhaps such a Guide would help sell more NTLite's since it shows off a nice feature that's not obvious. (Update: For example, I just searched the forum for "saveallstates." This is the first I've heard of it. Nor do I see it in the Documentation.
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I haven't tried this trick myself, and I realize - now that I've been given the command line - how to start it.

But I agree, a small Guide with some screen shots showing comparing the images would be helpful. And perhaps such a Guide would help sell more NTLite's since it shows off a nice feature that's not obvious. (Update: For example, I just searched the forum for "saveallstates." This is the first I've heard of it. Nor do I see it in the Documentation.
Make a shortcut of NTL and name it for instance: NTLite forcelistcomponentssaveallstates
Rightclick properties on shortcut and rename DESTINATION to: <Path to NTL folder>\NTLite.exe /forcelistcomponents /saveallstates
After loading images and saving the presets as nuhi stated Windiff is an easy standalone freeware tool to compare two files (presets).
Hmm... then I am missing the point of savealstates. I can already compare two different Presets with WinMerge. I was thinking (hoping) that I could compare the effect of two Presets in NTLite itself, by toggling back and forth between two, and watching check marks come and go. (Because sometimes it's not always obvious (to me, at least) what the lines in the xml file relate to. Nor can I see any warnings/notes in the xml's about the ramifications of removing components.)
You actually has a way to compare them, by go to Apply, in the section you will see all the changes that the preset will do, also the hidden settings will be in red. Maybe in the future release, NTLite provide an option to compare 2 presets without save one and them save another and load one by one and see what's the difference in each session of the program.
I finally tried /forcelistcomponents /saveallstates to do a Host Refresh (10.0.19042 > 10.0.19042) to take advantage of improvements in NTLite, since my last trim a year ago.

Wow! This is an underrated feature.

I wonder if nuhi can write a script or batch file that will take users by the hand to use this for an In-Place Host Refresh? For example, it would automatically start NTLite with the /forcelistcomponets /savealstates switch. Then it would load the live image. Then it would automatically save the Preset as "Use for Host Refresh." Then exit, and clear the switch. Then NTLite would start up again and enter Host Refresh mode, loads the live image, asks the user where the Refresh iso is (and perhaps automatically unpacks for us), automatically loads the "Use for Host Refresh" Preset, and leaves the rest to the user to complete. (Remembering a Rule of Management that "No job is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it himself.")
Best would be using presets, and recently it's much deeper with the switch:
ntlite.exe /forcelistcomponents /saveallstates

After starting the tool with those switches, load a first image, just on the Source page choose Preset - Save As, name it as whatever.
Image - New Session, load a second image, also save a preset differently named.
Compare those two text/xml files.

Don't forget to remove the switch for normal use, and unload the images if not planning to modify them then.
Hello nuhi.

I am newbie with NTLite.

I am currently using NTLite 2023.11.9515 (64 bit) Licensed version
Host is Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 x64 - 6.1.7601.26864 (en-US)

I want to extract a preset of offline image with a list of installed updates.
I used the original ISO version of Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 x64 - 6.1.7601.24214 (en-US) as an example only.

I tried to run the tool with the command line NTLite /forcelistcomponents /saveallstates.

NTLite reported that "To save all states use new option from UI Presets..." I ran ... with the command line only /forcelistcomponents and generated a preset with the mentioned option.
The list of updates is missing.

I need it like this one in picture below.

Like this.


I possibly have done something wrong. Please help me.

Thanks in advance.
This feature was updated in NTLite v2023.5.9249, and no longer requires any external switches.

Run NTLite as normal, and load any source image. Preset -> Save / Extract current image state
You don't need to quit or restart NTLite after the extraction.
This feature was updated in NTLite v2023.5.9249, and no longer requires any external switches.

Run NTLite as normal, and load any source image. Preset -> Save / Extract current image state
You don't need to quit or restart NTLite after the extraction.
Thank you.
P.S. I'm so sorry I need something like that picture at the bottom. I added the attachment with the preset I extracted. I did exactly as you told.



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Take a clean copy of the same Windows ISO, and load the image.
Now load your extracted preset to apply changes. Save this new preset as the working session.
Take a clean copy of the same Windows ISO, and load the image.
Now load your extracted preset to apply changes. Save this new preset as the working session.
Thank you very much. I'll try it very soon, and if you don't mind, I'll let you know how it turns out.
You do this twice. Once for each image you want to compare. Then use a XML or text comparison tool against the two presets.
The only thing that has changed in two years, is you don't need the command line flags.

When you extract an image, that preset only lists what is present. But NTLite cannot use this version to make a new image.
You apply the extracted preset to a clean image, and this newly resaved version is usable by NTLite.

Comparing the two resaved presets will detail what's changed between them.
You do this twice. Once for each image you want to compare. Then use a XML or text comparison tool against the two presets.
The only thing that has changed in two years, is you don't need the command line flags.

When you extract an image, that preset only lists what is present. But NTLite cannot use this version to make a new image.
You apply the extracted preset to a clean image, and this newly resaved version is usable by NTLite.

Comparing the two resaved presets will detail what's changed between them.

Thank you.

Here, I found the guide which I need.

Extract current image state

Located in the Preset toolbar, Save suboption, captures a preset of a loaded image, with detected removed components, configured settings and features, ignoring current UI selection for those.

Short guide:
Load source image.
Go to Components – Compatibilities – disable those not needed – OK
Go to Images – Preset – Save – Extract current image state – OK
Image – New session
Load destination image
Load the saved preset and apply changes.

"But NTLite cannot use this version to make a new image" - I am using NTLite 2023.12.9552 (64). Which version should I use to make a new image?

And yes, can I view or download an example, obtained in any way, for my case - list of installed updates in preset?

I mean list of KBxxxxxxx.msu? If not how can I have/get this list?
NTLite docs follow the same procedure:
- Load modded image, Save As extract preset
- Load clean image, apply extract preset. Save as new preset

The extracted preset cannot be used to make a new image (it's like a photo negative). The applied and saved preset can be used to make a new image.

Extract = what's found in image
Clean image (minus) Extract = what's missing

You can only use [what's missing] to apply to a new ISO.