Pause during SetupComplete.cmd


New Member
hey guys, I have to image a couple of hundred machines so I automated the installation only and install the manufaturer support program only. So I know that SetupComplete.cmd is working fine. However, I need to get the specs of the machine, I have created a script that gets the brand,model,cpu, ram, and storage. My issue is that the script does run but it does not pause so I can get that information. I have tried adding a pause in the script, I tried adding the script to setupcomplete.cmd instead also used start /wait and calling the script but nothing. if this even possible?

I know I can call cmd.exe and then execute the script. but requires me to manually call it. I'm trying to automate a little more.
Post-Setup (Machine) actions are run under the SYSTEM user identity.

While you can have a script pause, in the sense it's waiting for a timeout, but not to wait for keyboard or mouse input. For security reasons, SYSTEM running SetupComplete tasks doesn't interact with the desktop. This is why apps need an unattended install option to skip the need for keyboard or mouse input.

There are two options:
1. Run your script in Post-Setup (Machine) and redirect output to a log file.
cmd /c C:\path\myscript.bat > C:\path\log.txt​

2. Run script in Post-Setup (User), which happens when the first user logs on. This isn't ideal if you're automating hundreds of installs, since you probably won't be the first user logging on to every PC. But it works for single-PC cases.