garlin and
So, I have to "install" ntlite on my main PC only. I can't run portable. I don't need to install it on any other PC (Unless I want to do a refresh, which I expect not to have to do - that's why I set up a test PC). "Experienced" might be a bit generous. "Mediocre" might be a better word. That's another reason for the test PC - I screw up regularly

Experimentation is a good way to learn.
My main PC has THREE NICs. A plug in 10G NIC and 2 I226V (The buggy one). So I can only use NTLite on my 10G NIC, otherwise it will revert to unlicensed if I do tests on one of the 1Gbe NICs?
My Test PC has THREE NICs. Again, a plug in 10G and two motherboard NICs (I211 and I219). I will test the image on both speeds. For example, Kodi performs differently at different speeds. But since I;m only preparing the image on my main PC this is irrelevant.
I gather ntlite will "tag" the NIC that is in use at the time of activation and won't get confused by the fact that there are other NICs on board?
NTLite licensing is not tied to Windows Licensing, only to hardware.
I would put NTLite on a different SSD to my boot SSD but thismight be pointless if it can't run portable as the installer will at least write uninstall registry keys, as well as file associations (like HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.inf\OpenWithList),
Most PCs have a minimum of two 2TB SSDs. My two HTPCs only have one. Windows partitions are usually 96GB and the remainder is set as D:\. All programs are installed on C:\, games on D:\. On the bigger PCs there are 4 SSDs and 1 spinner. Portable programs are set up on my H:\ Drive (Eg MSMG).
I have several 1TB NVMe M.2 portable drives which are the bootable installers. I rotate these so I always have a current plus 2 previous images.
Some months I won't create an image. The CU might have no worthwhile bug or security fixes. When new features are added all I look for is how to disable or remove them. I haven't seen a Windows release for well over a decade that had a feature that I wanted or needed. My changes seem to be driven mostly by hardware. For example, the Z790s use ALC4080 USB audio. The legacy realtek HDA manager doesn't work and I had to upgrade to the UWP app.
Yes, I heard the same thing about msmg. And his health hasn't been too good. I wish him all the best.