GamerOS Windows 10 & 11 DIY Preset

Hello! Noob question: After installing GamerOS WIndows can I install a browser? I tried everything I could think of and I couldn't. Thanks!
Download the browser installer, and add this file to Post-Setup. Search online for which the silent install flags are needed for your installer, and copy them to the Parameters box on the right of the file.
Anyone have any idea's what else I can do, anything needing to be fixed? Im currently trying out leaving update ability (sacrificing the iso being 1 gb) and leaving app capabilities behind, also Im trying out making the image not lack any features so basically after installing you see a windows installation just like the original, with all the features and other items when scrolling thru menus and stuff intact like the network device all options are still there, I want to leave windows 10 behind and move onto 11, if there is no further issues this most likely will be the last windows 10 preset that I do (to have another kb language and such look under iso section and recheck your default language, to enable support for changing later recheck language pack install support) other then that you shouldn't edit the presets

Mod note: This preset disables Bluetooth, Microsoft Store, and MS Accounts. If you want those features, follow these instructions.

Edit the preset in a text editor, find and delete the lines:
        <c>hwsupport_bluetooth 'Bluetooth'</c>
        <c>Microsoft.StorePurchaseApp 'Store Experience Host'</c>
        <c>Microsoft.WindowsStore 'Windows Store'</c>
        <c>passport 'Microsoft Passport'</c>

Paid apps on Microsoft Store require EFS (Encrypting File System) to store content.
       <c>efsfeature 'Encrypting File System (EFS) - Feature'</c>

Adobe installer and some 3rd-party apps may require Edge (Legacy) to start web requests. You do not need Edge (Chromium), EdgeWebView or EdgeUpdater -- only Edge (Legacy).
                <c>Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge 'Microsoft Edge (Legacy)'</c>

Txmmy's 2023-01-14 updated notes:
Dear Sir
Use PostSetup.ps1 in Intergrade > post-setup
Create an iso and you're done, right?
How to use Txmmy's Toolbox tweak? For example, Network.ps1 has DefaultNetwork and GamingNetwork, how to choose GamingNetwork?
Thank you very much
Dear Sir
Use PostSetup.ps1 in Intergrade > post-setup
Create an iso and you're done, right?
How to use Txmmy's Toolbox tweak? For example, Network.ps1 has DefaultNetwork and GamingNetwork, how to choose GamingNetwork?
Thank you very much
I think Txmmy knows how to use his own toolbox
Hi friends
I was preparing w11.23h2 for gaming by using xml windows 11 gaming . I got issue with taskbar its not there after installing windows 11 .system still loading. What is solution. Any fix for xml
Are you using the GamerOS preset, or NTLite's Gaming template? If you don't make extra removals or changes, both should work.
i used GamerOS preset , GamerOS Windows 11.xml with windows 11 pro 23h2 , i tried so many time with it , but i got taskbar not appear and the system loading . i tried with 22h2 . its work very nc.
i didn't do any think extra only apply xml


  • GamerOS Windows
    21.4 KB
tried in inside a vm I get this pc cannot run windows 11, i thought it might be the space but i give it +100gb
anybody getting the same error ?
For all W11 VM's you need to enable BypassTPM in Settings, or integrate the same reg keys into boot.wim.
For all W11 VM's you need to enable BypassTPM in Settings, or integrate the same reg keys into boot.wim.
Thank you for your support, sorry I don't see any option called BypassTPM in settings, the closest i found was TPM and secure boot and it's either default or disable,
Does anyone have any opinion of this GamerOS vs Hellbovine's Win10 21H2 tweaks?

In reference to this:
Both do there own thing!

I enjoy both in what they provide however without learning the basics of what Ntlite does may give you a headache in applying and not knowing how to adapt it to your needs.

Everyone has different needs in what they want. I have learned and added these to my base builds(removing or adding back what I need)
Let me refine my question, does anyone have a running fresh install of Txmmy's? This is the utilization chart I landed on with a fresh HellBovine install. I am most interested in comparing raw performance here is HellBovine's install after 5 minutes of uptime; notice thread utilization, handle count, process count and memory usage.

View attachment 11064

Can anyone provide Txmmy's to compare?

Page one shows it more or less what you maybe looking for in this thread.

I hate to be a preacher again but adding something without properly knowing what it does may give you unexpected results and end up having to come back fresh again after a few weeks of things you may need are not working correctly

Don't get me wrong I have used both only after 6 months of learning and edited it to my liking(learning new things I have not thought off). This is saves us from a lot of questions of "why so in so is not working"
What about the most stable Windows version currently? I am reading some people are having issues with the latest windows 11. I feel like this information should be listed on the first post.