Discussion: NVIDIA Display Driver (nvlddmkm.sys) DPC Latency

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You need a special program like MSI, or hacking the registry.
On the same motherboard it shows more options on windows 7 than it does on 1809 ltsc :/
Will edit to add screen grabs tomorrow.

Update (August 11th, 2023):
Nvidia and Microsoft have acknowledged the DPC latency bugs and are attempting to resolve them.
I expect the fixes will only be for newer cards and w11(later builds of w10 a big maybe) only, w7 8.1 early w10 builds and legacy gpu's(gt710 etc) most likely wont get them.
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Update (August 11th, 2023):

This thread has reached an official conclusion, and the first post on page 1 (link) has been updated to summarize everything. Thanks to this thread's participants, Nvidia and Microsoft have acknowledged the DPC latency bugs and are attempting to resolve them. A tuning guide was also created to help gaming and audio enthusiasts optimize their computers for lower latency.

Please do not create new threads on the specific topic of the Nvidia driver, as it tends to cause people to rehash tweaks and other information that we have already debunked or moved on from. If there is an important development, contact me via mail and I will ask a moderator to unlock this thread so I can update the main post with that news. This should remain as the last reply in the thread to help ensure visitors are efficiently directed to the pertinent information, in an effort to help keep this popular topic organized.

Thank you everyone that participated here, without us all working together this likely would have been futile!
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