Does Win7 DISM handling make a difference processing Win7 Live?


Active Member
For nuhi :

If I understand it correctly, we need to be processing images in either Win 8.1 or Win 10 (not Win 7) due to some difference in DISM handling?

And so there are some things that NTLite can do when running under Win 8.1 or 10 as Host, that NTLite cannot do when Win 7 is the Host.

Whatever the underlying difference, this started me thinking about whether there are negative consequences to processing a Live Win 7 installation?

Not that a Win 7 user has a choice. (Unless the user wants to go through the effort of capturing an image, post-processing it and then replacing the image. Which I don't.)

But I thought it is an interesting question to ask. If there are limitations, are they posted somewhere?

(Edit: I see that "Windows 7 SP1 requires the SHA2 update (KB4474419) for NTLite to start." But I'm asking about any other limitations. (I also found a post by Clanger, to the effect that one cannot update a Win10 image using Win7 as a Host. But I'm not asking about that either.))
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Err, hmm. I might be having a brain fart, senior moment, or im really thick :oops: :rolleyes:
A capture with all the latest updates and nets. Enable/disable any Features before sysprep.
Everything baked in with no pendings. You are free-er to rip things out.
NTLite doesn't check what version of DISM is installed. It tries whatever action, and sees whether it worked or not. Having the latest SSU on the host will prevent DISM from having version issues.

Should NTLite require you have the latest SSU? That's not always necessary.

Suppose my image and all its updates are older than a specific date, nothing in that build requires having a newer DISM. Integration works fine.
But when I switch to a different image or newer updates, and my DISM is now too old.

It's a good question -- but some bugs/limitations are low on the priority list.
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The treadmill is so bad, now SSU's are automatically bundled in every W10 & W11 CU just to make sure you pick up the latest.
nuhi Thats something i noticed, the Update Downloader list for 1809 doesnt list a Servicing Stack update, is that because they are now in the CU's?