Enable Network Discovery



I want to enable "Network Discovery".

In this post it was said (in the XML) that there is a "Network Discovery" entry on the features page.

However I cannot find it there. Has this been moved?
Unless you've removed the required components, Network Discovery is available by default. But it's not enabled on a new system.

Add this Post-Setup (Machine) command:
netshadvfirewall firewall set rule group="Network Discovery" new enable=Yes

I want to enable "Network Discovery".

In this post it was said (in the XML) that there is a "Network Discovery" entry on the features page.

However I cannot find it there. Has this been moved?
Regarding the preset and Network Discovery, it's actually a Compatibility option.
Bit confusing but those "features" are actually Compatibility options in the Components page.
<Compatibility protectHidden="true">
<Feature enabled="no">NetworkDiscovery</Feature>
It's not really a choice. Compatibility is a set of rules which protect specific high-level features from getting their components removed.

Network Discovery is not protected by default, because not everyone wants it. Checking that box in Compatibility will flag any attempt to remove components related to Network Discovery. Even if the Compatibility mode prevents you from removals, it doesn't pre-activate anything for you.

After installation, Windows will default to having the firewall rules block Network Discovery. Which is why File Explorer always prompts you to enable discovery by clicking on the menu bar.