Install Windows 7 & 8.1 on Intel 8th, 9th, and 10th generation - Closed

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Intel USB3 drivers for W7 are now End Of Life and the version i have is no longer availible from intel :mad: You motherboard download page should have it. I will have a chat with Fernando at win-raid to see what he says. I think he is here isnt he?
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That Biostar driver contains "Intel(R) Display Audio Driver: (Windows* 8.1/10)", known working on UHD630(i3 8300).

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how appealing old Windows is :)

mighty appealing. i can still get silent gt710s for 35 to 40 quid. bloody appealing in fact. im getting them issues with every sodding build and its getting on my tits. gonna do a test install dual boot w7(inc 3125574) and 8.1 and compare task manager grabs.

Edit - W7 Pro 64bit, untouched iso, no updates or added .nets, 8000 handles. Just aswell i got all my w7 tweaks. screen grabs to follow. Still got my 9600K to build, it will rock with 7, hope it plays well with the H310C(R2.0) board. Might move this post.


01 in the grab is untouched not updated iso install, 02 is updated with 3125574 and net4.8, 03 is with bareboned services and my usual tweaks, pagefile prefetch search/indexing and intel drivver services disabled, post no25 must have been tweaked a a bit/lot(?).
Even to get to 02 updated with ltsc is bloody hard work, to 03 nigh on impossible and post no25 not a hope in hells chance.
Updated with 3125574 w7 installs at 7.2(ish)gb, bear in mind there is nearly 1gb of 3rd party drivers in there(much more than ltsc), take off 1gb for arguments sake 7 will install at around 6.2gb, add a few for net4.8, say 300mb then that lot wil install at 6.5gb which is in ltsc territory.
Look how much space hogging and logging there is, how many more handles freds and process ltsc has to a standard 7 install, you need a big cpu and a ton of disc space just for the bloody operating system and thats before any programs, that is totally unacceptable when 7 does the same stuff.
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Actually MT_ its not the "old os appealing" thing, i mean its not asif im trying to get xp to run, 7 is supported on this lot and its no more difficult putting the usb3 drivers into the image than putting ahci drivers into xp was. I was still on xp till 3 years ago roughly and that was still working perfectly but the oftware i was using wouldnt run on it, luckily they all do on 7. Will see what the outcome of this build is.
Yes, it can run 7th and 8th Generation Processor only if you are using USB Driver issue. And second for 7th Genenration Intel Processor, You can download and install this USB Driver. The rest of will work good in everything.
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I tried it a while back, runs well on 8th gen h310c chipset, not as resource heavy as ltsc and its stable. The only limitations are in the chipset, not 7. LTSC(1809) focuses on a lot on online stuff and if you dont need any of that 7 is just as capable for an offline system and many users are sticking to 7 for reasons, not just the hell of it.

Once i have tweaked 7 then even with my most resource heavy programs i am not using the amount of threads handles and processed ltsc uses by default with no programs running.
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Still trying to make LTSC as good for gaming as 7!

Got my mouse polling rate close to 7 anyhow.
Its a lot of work to get 10 close to default 7.
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How close?

I edited my post to say "default 7", thats an ms iso just updated, no liting or tweaks.
01and 02 in my grab are default numbers for 7. LTSC handles vary quite a bit but settle around 25000. LTSC uses a large number of svchost.exe instances, reducing that will see around 18000 give or take a few, thats still double(ish) the amount of handles 7 has.

To get LTSC close to 7 default numbers, 9000(up and down a bit) handles i have to barebone services and kludge it so thats no networking and a non functioning start menu which isnt a problem for me but it would be for everyone else. 03 in the grab is 7 tweaked to a similar state i would tweak LTSC(9000 handles) to. See the link to the grab in post no25, that will be a closer configuratio to LTSC tweaked and kludged.
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Try using my build and further strip it, i have faith you can drop it to below 10000 ish.

Also for start menu, thought about SiB+? Has option to prevent stuff from preloading (searchUI and dependencies) this might make it possible to disable even more services related to UWP etc. Its lighter in any case.

But ur right, not leaving simple things working is not a fair comparison, thats like ending explorer.exe and see how much you saved lol

Edit: You just gave me the idea to add another post-setup reg to my profile for people that don't require UWP support at all, disables settings completely as well. And disable some other stuff that can be disabled after install but breaks OOBE and first setup and some other things.

Start menu, filesharing, interwebs working. Right on! (down from 12000~ handles so this is a huge chunk)


Going 'extreme', but breaks file sharing etc (Still start menu/search, basic networking connectivity and sound):


However, if we break filesharing, we might as well disable workstation/sever, and dnscache is not a pure requirement for anything I think (Still basic stuff working, can ping


Disabling audio / network and power management stuff just for laughs, no idea of what use this would be, but basic windows still working:



It is just how far someone wants to go and what requirements you have I guess.
I think if you carefully disable a bit more system services (not in services.msc) you can get down to <7000 and maybe 350MB usage. Think fat driver loading, fs filters etc.
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Not bad going but look at the amount of work you have put in to get those numbers when you get those by default with 7, and thats the problem. :(
Im installing 7 to tweak, i will be busy for a few weeks ;)
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MT_ i could get your standard build handles etc down further by bareboning the services. when i take breaks i forget stuff so i dont know which ltsc service file is the latest one, if there isnt one in my tweak pack which you prolly have lemmy know(pm) and i'll have a look and upload it but it will disable a lot of thigs you/most users will need.
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Disabling audio / network and power management stuff just for laughs, no idea of what use this would be, but basic windows still working:

Most home users want audio, stop it and no sound at all, ok if you are a doctors surgery or if the machine is used to control any sort of manufacturing machine. Hospitals or doctors may have machines that may need audio.
Networking, no networking at all(as far as i know), ok for a standalone machine and if you want to keep your workstation safe.
Power, havnt noticed anything but i havnt looked.

You can use ltsc bareboned services if you use a machine for audio recording/editing etc/media player as most audio interfaces are usb(2, still), i use a lexicon alpha with and without asio driver installed, best with asio or course. Would need to investigate MMCSS and QWAVE services as i usually disable them.

To disable more stuff i would have to go through 3 very thorough sources at least, check for duplicates and the gains could be minimal for a lot of work. Bareboning (visible)services gets dangerous as its very easy to brick, no booty booty or you get boot but a very ballsed up machine.
Only a complete sadist will go the the very minimum stuff needed to run.

Only a complete sadist will go the the very minimum stuff needed to run.
I bareboned windows 7 down to 1.2xgb installed :oops::rolleyes:

MT_ bare in mind you are one of my sources leave services(and other stuff) to me and i'll see just how far my sadism is willing to go. Get me in the right mood and i think it knows no bounds, i dont like being beaten. insert evil face smiley.

I am 90% certain i got ltsc down to 4000 handles a while back, i have no task manager grab to prove it but im bloody sure i did so for the time being take 8000(just over) handles as my "official" figure. Remember it will be a non lited install.

I will be keeping Audio, Print Spooler and Image Aquisitition, anything for a printer scanner copier because i think others find them useful too, not sure though, i may disable them, dunno. You have mentioned usb services and FAT support, i wont be touching them as i want full usb support and FAT32 is needed for usb keys for audio devices as ive only seen them support FAT32 partitions.

I will add any visible service to the current file and list any hidden service in a separate file.
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Clanger Looking forward what you are brewing :p

About USB, I noticed that even on my system with only USB 3.0 controller autoloaded, it still loads legacy USB2 stuff, doesn't seem like its required. But that goes for so many other legacy drivers which just load by default and on newer systems no longer a necessity. Like ISA Bus etc.

Im still not quite sure on mssmbios driver if one is running in pure UEFI mode, i haven't seen any negative effects of disabling it. Upon reading it seems to read specific registers on what type of PC we're dealing with (UPS, Battery, Laptop?), but maybe this is legacy BIOS as everything seems to be detected fine.

Qwave i disable by default as well, MMCSS and QoS can all be disabled too if desired :p
Really dont suggest disabling MMCSS though, it will negatively effect initiated audio streams from pretty much any application and makes your music player susceptible to audio stutter under any kind of load. (At least back on windows 7 and 1607 LTSB)
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MT_ doing my final EOL build with ie11 and net 4.8 now, will post full build details, iso used and list of updates blah blah blah, english only. Getting IE11 installed was a pain in the khyber, takes me back to the bad old days :p
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