Windows 10 17763.1 Update KB4464330 shows Error 0x800f0982


New Member
a couple of days ago I customized Windows 10 Pro x64 17763.1 using NTLite v1.7.0.6522 x64.
I installed this image to a desktop, and with different drivers to a laptop and a bootable USB-Stick.
All systems were running well and these commands
sfc.exe /scannow
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
dism /online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup
Dism /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase
DISM /Online /cleanup-image /RestoreHealth
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /AnalyzeComponentStore
didn't show any errors.
But the very first 2018-10 Kumulatives Update für Windows 10 Version 1809 für x64-basierte Systeme (KB4464330)
failed to install with error 0x800f0982.
The powershell-command Get-WindowsUpdateLog didn't help in any way.
Therefore I tried DISM /Add-Package to apply the update and got the same error.
This time the logfile that DISM created gave some more information.
The extracted lines with error indicators looked like this:
2018-10-13 17:33:25, Info CSI 0000014c Component Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP-VirtualDevice, version 10.0.17763.55, arch amd64, nonSxS, pkt {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35} does not have a winner but has 2 other component version(s)
2018-10-13 17:33:25, Info CSI 0000014d Component Microsoft-Windows-BootEnvironment-Core-BootManager-PCAT.Resources, version 10.0.17763.55, arch x86, culture [l:5]'en-us', nonSxS, pkt {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35} does not have a winner but has 1 other component version(s)
2018-10-13 17:33:25, Error CSI 0000014e (F) Can not identify matching versions for component Microsoft-Windows-BootEnvironment-Core-BootManager-PCAT.Resources, version 10.0.17763.55, arch x86, culture [l:5]'en-us', nonSxS, pkt {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}.[gle=0x80004005]
2018-10-13 17:33:25, Error CSI 0000014f@2018/10/13:15:33:25.797 (F) Attempting to mark store corrupt with category [l:21 ml:22]'CorruptComponentValue'[gle=0x80004005]
2018-10-13 17:33:25, Error CSI 00000150@2018/10/13:15:33:25.797 (F) onecore\base\wcp\componentstore\storelayout.cpp(2244): Error 800f0982 [Warning,Facility=15 (0x000f),Code=2434 (0x0982)] originated in function ComponentStore::CRawStoreLayout::AddComponentFile expression: ((SCODE) (((unsigned long)(1)<<31) | ((unsigned long)(15)<<16) | ((unsigned long)(0x982))) )
2018-10-13 17:33:25, Info CBS Added S:\INSTALL\Microsoft\Patches\KB4464330.log to WER report.
2018-10-13 17:33:25, Info CBS Not able to add pending.xml to offline WER report. [HRESULT = 0x80070002 - ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND]
When customizing Windows, did I exclude too much?
What is component Microsoft-Windows-BootEnvironment-Core-BootManager-PCAT.Resources?
Nuhi, would you please have a look at the attached files and give some advice.

Kind regards


I'm actually confused as to whether it's a cumulative or quality update. Time to do further reading... thanks Microsoft... thanks.. >: (
doberstw, confirmed this issue and working on it, it is an engine issue with the update requirement changes.
Until fixed, please use the Host Refresh wizard to update.

My current Windows 10 install (1803 x64 version) has many issues (for instance, nothing happens when clicking on the Start Menu and apps). Is it possible to use that function to install Windows 10 1809 x64 without losing any files, programs, apps and settings (at least most of them) and have this problems fixed? I don't want to do a clean install because I would have to install all the programs and apps again as well as configure Windows and transfer files again and I tried doing an upgrade install but it didn't let me. Maybe I should do a clean install every time a new Windows 10 version is available even if I don't have problems because doing an upgrade install may lead to some problems and Windows may not have the right settings. What do you think?
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My current Windows 10 install (1803 x64 version) has many issues (for instance, I can't open Start Menu and apps). Is it possible to use that function to install Windows 10 1809 x64 without losing any files, programs, apps and settings (at least the most of them) and have this problems soved? I don't want to do a clean install because I would have to install all the programs and apps again as well as configure Windows and transfer files again and I tried doing an upgrade install but it didn't let me. Maybe I should a clean install every time a new Windows 10 version is available even if I don't have problems because doing an upgrade install may lead to some problems and Windows may not have the right settings? What do you think?
Unrelated to this topic, but let me reply anyway.

That can be corruption of the Appx/Metro support, which could warrant a full reinstall, but also you might want to use Host Refresh to try to fix it, without manually reinstalling all your apps.
More about it here.

Also if you do protect Core Metro Services in Components - Compatibility, and do not disable all kinds of services or tool protections, feel free to open a topic and I'll check it - those issues are not normal or expected.
Unrelated to this topic, but let me reply anyway.

That can be corruption of the Appx/Metro support, which could warrant a full reinstall, but also you might want to use Host Refresh to try to fix it, without manually reinstalling all your apps.
More about it here.

Also if you do protect Core Metro Services in Components - Compatibility, and do not disable all kinds of services or tool protections, feel free to open a topic and I'll check it - those issues are not normal or expected.

Also, I didn't update to the latest 1803 CU through Windows Update or after downloading it because I have this problem (I had to stop Windows Update or I would have a loop trying to install the latest CU to inevitably fail afterwards) and the 1809 update doesn't show up in Windows Update. Was it solved in the most recent NTLite version and in the 1809 version?
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doberstw, fixed in 6572, let me know if you still have any issues with this, or open a new topic.

Windows 10 User, please try the latest, and provide me the preset and the CU scenario to test for if there are any issues.
I answered on your other post to use Host Refresh if you don't want to fully reinstall.
doberstw, fixed in 6572, let me know if you still have any issues with this, or open a new topic.

Windows 10 User, please try the latest, and provide me the preset and the CU scenario to test for if there are any issues.
I answered on your other post to use Host Refresh if you don't want to fully reinstall.

I'll try it since a new CU is available in Windows Update and I'll integrate the previous one and the latest SSU and try to install the latest CU through Windows Update after removing and configuring the other things.

Regarding Host Refresh, I tried it and it didn't work.

EDIT: After installing Windows 10 Windows Update detects an Adobe Flash Player update when I previously removed Adobe Flash Player with NTLite.
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Hi Nuhi,
6572 fixed the issue. Windows Update is now able to install Kumulative Update KB4464330.

But i saw the other post regarding WinSxS. I can acknowledge that WinSxS ist About 2GB too big. The ISO is bigger than expected either.
I will follow the new post to see how Things develop.
But nevertheless many thanks for your efforts an work!

Kind regards

Hi Nuhi,
6572 fixed the issue. Windows Update is now able to install Kumulative Update KB4464330.

But i saw the other post regarding WinSxS. I can acknowledge that WinSxS ist About 2GB too big. The ISO is bigger than expected either.
I will follow the new post to see how Things develop.
But nevertheless many thanks for your efforts an work!

Kind regards

Yes, that is expected in regards to WinSxS, replied there.
That is the main reason why now tool displays hard link vs complete files removal. Only complete file removals are gone from all locations.
I'll of course keep modifying the engine to remove more and more, but as the first 1809 update compatible version, should start careful.
Regarding Host Refresh, I tried it and it didn't work.

EDIT: After installing Windows 10 Windows Update detects an Adobe Flash Player update when I removed Adobe Flash Player!
What was the issue with Host Refresh, how do I make it not work?

Noted about the Flash being re-offered, will have to find a way how it detects the need.
What was the issue with Host Refresh, how do I make it not work?

Noted about the Flash being re-offered, will have to find a way how it detects the need.

I had an error, don't know which one now.

So, you also have this Adobe Flash Player update bug? What's even stranger is that it successfully installs the update when Adobe Flash Player was supposedly removed!

Could you add an option in the next release to remove the Microsoft Quick Assist app?
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I had an error, don't know which one now.

So, you also have this Adobe Flash Player update bug? What's even more strange is that it successfully installs the update when Adobe Flash Player was supposedly removed!

Could you add an option in the next release to remove the Quick Assist app?
Yes, Adobe Flash is a full package, it can install itself.

Quick Assist is already removed with the "Remote Assistance" component.
If not, let me know.
Yes, Adobe Flash is a full package, it can install itself.

Quick Assist is already removed with the "Remote Assistance" component.
If not, let me know.

So, can you fix this Adobe Flash Player bug in the next release?

Yes, but I want to keep the component and only remove the mentioned app.
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Hi Nuhi,
Thanks for the fix, 6572 fixed the issue. Windows Update is now able to install Kumulative Update KB4464330.
hello nuhi I've this same issue in my laptop where I installed Win1 1809 customised ISO from Ntlite. Can you tell me how can i install this CU without reformatting the system again?
People having issues with Windows 10 v17763.1 and Update KB4464330, I suggest you to avoid problems following the instructions in the same way I did it, which is explained here:;3730990
Well, I finally opted to do a natural (not trimmed/personalized) installation of Windows 10 v17763.1 in a V.M, I then installed both updates, and with DISM I captured the virtual O.S generating a Install.wim image with the updates applied, I moved the Install.wim to my host OS and replaced it with the original Install.wim contained in the v17763.1 ISO; and I loaded it in NTLite, so now I have an ISO of v17763.55 on which I can make any changes with safety using NTLite.
17763.1 cumulative updates has a new format called PSFX

basically it mostly contain delta patches for most updated components, at two levels: RTM and last CU
meaning, for the system to generate actual files of these patches, it need the components/files from WinSxS

so it's expected to fail in that with nLited system image
Here is the solution that worked for Me!
  1. In the search box on the taskbar, type cmd.
  2. Right-click Command Prompt in the search results and select Run as administrator. (Select Yes, when prompted by the User Account Control.)
  3. In the Administrator: Command Prompt window, type SC config trustedinstaller start=auto and press Enter
  4. Restart the PC.
In some cases, a second restart may be required. If you look under Settings > Update & security and you see the message Status: Awaiting restart, restart the PC a second time to complete the installation.

Even after trying these steps, if you are facing problem than try clean boot.