[ANSWERED] Post-Setup, What is the User tab for and how to use it?


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I think i'm missing something with the Post-Installation tab :
There's 2 different post installation tab: Machine and User.

I'm doing great so far with the Machine tab, i'm installing VLC and 7-zip msi during the OS installation and everything is going well.

But i don't understand what is the user tab for ?
Secondly, I can't even add someting there : Post-installation > User Tab > Add > File or Command. When I do that, the file or the command selected directly goes to the Machine tab.

Does someone use it ? if yes, why and how ?

I'm curious about it because of winget commands not working if I put them in the machine tab, cmd says he doesn't know what is this cmdlet (even if App-Installer is checked under Components > Windows Apps > App Installer). So maybe it could help. :D

Have a nice day and sorry for my poor english.
Update :
I managed to drag'n drop things in the User post-installation Tab, but i still don't know what it does, for which user it rolls or when it does it (any time a user freshly connect, or only for the default account...)

About my winget problem, it's just that winget isn't installed at all, even if it's checked. i've to figure out why.
Post-Setup commands for Machine are written to SetupComplete.cmd, and run as local SYSTEM with Administrator rights. Any commands or apps which modify the user profile will change SYSTEM, not your user account.

If your app installs for All Users, this is no problem.

Running commands for your user account require you to be logged on, and NTLite writes a RunOnceEx scheduled task for each command.
By default, the Machine queue (top screen) is selected. Click on the User queue (bottom screen) to change selection.

PS - winget has its own problems, unrelated to User vs. Machine.