GamerOS Windows 10 & 11 DIY Preset

i'll have a look later today. i know controlset001 is the master. my network icon is behaving itself, sofa sogood.
Windows Event Collector is still there so i'll take that out and see what goes.

AeonX's file was a lot of work, event viewer channels has got hundreds of entries so if you can get away with deleting the parent key instead you save yourself a lot of work.

i report my findings is all, im not forcing people to use "as is" and i encourage users to test and cherry pick, ive said that till im blue in the face. Necrosaro seemed happy enough with the result.
i can get away with a lot more than everyone else because my needs are different, offline airgapped workstation. offline media player, DAW anyone?

edit - removed Windows Event Collector service, network icon is stil behaving itself.
if it can be disabled can it be removed? if it cant be removed can it be disabled?

yes i agree everybody needs are different.
yes removing the winevt & wmi autologger plus globalautologger key saved a lot of work cuz there are lots of entries inside it. thanks goes to you for it.
removing or disabling eventlog service from w10 1904x.xxxx in my scenario removed network icon from taskbar thatswhy i asked you to look into it.
if network icon is not removed from taskbar in your case then i am confused hehehehe :p . i use manual connect to wifi ap always not ethernet..
thank you.
im wired lan only. only wireless i will use is keyboard and rodent.
for w7 i am not sure cuz am on 1904x build of w10 .hmm pl try to use wifi ap to connect to internet & cross check if you can use it direct from taskbar itself ;)
i'll have a look later today. i know controlset001 is the master. my network icon is behaving itself, sofa sogood.
Windows Event Collector is still there so i'll take that out and see what goes.

AeonX's file was a lot of work, event viewer channels has got hundreds of entries so if you can get away with deleting the parent key instead you save yourself a lot of work.

i report my findings is all, im not forcing people to use "as is" and i encourage users to test and cherry pick, ive said that till im blue in the face. Necrosaro seemed happy enough with the result.
i can get away with a lot more than everyone else because my needs are different, offline airgapped workstation. offline media player, DAW anyone?

edit - removed Windows Event Collector service, network icon is stil behaving itself.
if it can be disabled can it be removed? if it cant be removed can it be disabled?
So everything is good now with the removal of event viewer? With the removal of the keys I don't have any small hard-drive thrashing files being processed. Right now it runs around 1.6megs of ram with those keys removed.

Asking for my rodent haha
using the revised version with Wecsvc windows 7 is still behaving itself and the network icon is still working perfectly. it should be enough just to disable those 2 services, or just remove the entries but keep the services running.
got some investigating to do tonight with ccleaner and winapps 2 and 3 combined, see what i find and what else i can find.

i might have to update ultraform's topic.
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Deleting these keys in bulk is very harmful IMO. You lose the possibility of troubleshooting if something goes wrong. And with lited installs especially, many things can go wrong (and you can find hints in event logs).

Instead, I set all dword values EnableLevel=3 in WMI\Autologger\*\* subkeys (that's to show only errors+warnings, which quiets them down considerably), and of course start=0 to those loggers that are not needed (nearly all of them excluding event logs).

Loosely related, I set all ErrorControl dwords in services to 0 or 1 (silent or warning during the start of service if something goes wrong). In practice, I edit all values higher than 1 to 1, and leave 0s and 1s alone.

I delete (edit) some unwanted dependencies of a service to services that are non-existent (lited) or disabled/deleted by myself (always delete a service with sc delete - that's how I learnt in the old days :)). But with care, some services really can't start without their dependencies.

For network icon I use this - the windows' built-in icon is useless after Vista because it doesn't show the real traffic. And of course, because of the privacy concerns with probing.
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AutoLogger records boot-time events, like (non-disk) device driver loading. Disabling it prolly doesn't improve performance after boot.
Deleting these keys in bulk is very harmful IMO. You lose the possibility of troubleshooting if something goes wrong. And with lited installs especially, many things can go wrong (and you can find hints in event logs).

Instead, I set all dword values EnableLevel=3 in WMI\Autologger\*\* subkeys (that's to show only errors+warnings, which quiets them down considerably), and of course start=0 to those loggers that are not needed (nearly all of them excluding event logs).

Loosely related, I set all ErrorControl dwords in services to 0 or 1 (silent or warning during the start of service if something goes wrong). In practice, I edit all values higher than 1 to 1, and leave 0s and 1s alone.

I delete (edit) some unwanted dependencies of a service to services that are non-existent (lited) or disabled/deleted by myself (always delete a service with sc delete - that's how I learnt in the old days :)). But with care, some services really can't start without their dependencies.

For network icon I use this - the windows' built-in icon is useless after Vista because it doesn't show the real traffic. And of course, because of the privacy concerns with probing.
I know the risks but 95 percent of the time I get an issue it's because of me mucking around too much. That is why I have system restores
If you did, you woudn't have a way of knowing, would you?
oh yes i bleeding well woulkd know because windows would through a fit or this or that wouldnt work and so far i havnt seen anything.
its all about experimentation and testing. you dont know my needs and im telling you i can go a lot further than everyone else here, be it tweaks or removals.

what should i do? share what i find in the true forum spirit(put back some of what i have learned from forums over the years) or say eff it and screw you lot and keep it all to myself eh?
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oh yes i bleeding well woulkd know because windows would through a fit or this or that wouldnt work and so far i havnt seen anything.
its all about experimentation and testing. you dont know my needs and im telling you i can go a lot further than everyone else here, be it tweaks or removals.

what should i do? share what i find in the true forum spirit(put back some of what i have learned from forums over the years) or say eff it and screw you lot and keep it all to myself eh?
I will have to try it and see how my movie clips/game react to the removal. Usually I see something there if it makes things worse. After that a latency test and if it all passes then it should be good to go.

Will give it a backup and test tonight.