Windows 11

i dunno. i saw that post was updated last night. maybe they will now or its something about a VM.
I am currently on windows11 dev. Wondering if I can use ntlite to "downgrade" to official Windows11. I dont want to do a fresh install, and lose all my files.
So hostrefresh using stock win11 image? Sorry for the newb questions. And version you mean home/or pro?
yes by edition i meah home/pro/enterprise etc. use a iso contains it.

yes use stock latest iso generated from uupdump website probably or official iso from microsoft
OK, so i am loading the win 11, then saving it using ntlite. I get no option to load image in hostrefresh. What am I missing?
YUP, Did that. Just a blank dropdown, when i pick the win11 i extracted, its still blank. Im obviously an idiot. LOL

what is your installed edition, and downloaded iso editions? do they match? maybe nuhi needs to update somethings
what is your installed edition, and downloaded iso editions? do they match? maybe nuhi needs to update somethings
I am on win11 home insider preview build 22468.rs_prerelease.210924-1215, And i downloaded the latest stock win11 home.
nuhi can answer this, is insider preview home can't be host refreshed with normal edition home?
It's up to Windows, start setup.exe or Host Refresh (has a few more protections and guides to be certain you don't remove needed parts or do extra unnecessary operations), and if it starts after processing the ISO if editing, it works, if it denies, it will tell you, no harm done.
This page (way at the bottom) has a hack for upgrading in place, by copying bits from an install WIM, replacing the component reg keys, and using DISM to "repair" the metadata. Donor and host are assumed to be similar builds.

As it only touches the component keys, no other settings are disturbed. I don't know if that's different from NTLite. Try it at your own risk.
Sorry, it's just a candy colored wrapper. No need to donate.
  $N = 'Skip TPM Check on Dynamic Update'
  $0 = sp 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\Setup\MoSetup' 'AllowUpgradesWithUnsupportedTPMOrCPU' 1 -type dword -force -ea 0
  $B = gwmi -Class __FilterToConsumerBinding -Namespace 'root\subscription' -Filter ""Filter = """"'$N'"""""" -ea 0
  $C = gwmi -Class CommandLineEventConsumer -Namespace 'root\subscription' -Filter ""Name='$N'"" -ea 0
  $F = gwmi -Class __EventFilter -NameSpace 'root\subscription' -Filter ""Name='$N'"" -ea 0
  if ($B) { $B | rwmi } ; if ($C) { $C | rwmi } ; if ($F) { $F | rwmi }
  $C = ""cmd /q $N (c) AveYo, 2021 /d/x/r>nul (erase /f/s/q %systemdrive%\`$windows.~bt\appraiserres.dll""
  $C+= '&md 11&cd 11&ren vd.exe vdsldr.exe&robocopy ""../"" ""./"" ""vdsldr.exe""&ren vdsldr.exe vd.exe&start vd -Embedding)&rem;'
  $K = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\vdsldr.exe'
  $0=ni $K; sp $K Debugger $C -force; write-host -fore 0xf -back 0x2 ""`n $N [INSTALLED] run again to remove ""