NTLite removes Edge at the component level, which is not exactly the same as removal by the application.

Previously, Edge uninstalls were blocked by Windows. But if you overwrite the JSON file, then Edge is eligible for removal AND it's possible to re-install Edge afterwards. I would suggest this solution:

1. Don't remove Edge from the install image.

2. Follow post #18, and replace the JSON file.

3. Uninstall Edge using a Post-Setup command line:
cmd /c cd %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Microsoft\Edge\Application\*\Installer && .\setup --uninstall --force-uninstall --system-level

4. If you're currently using Chrome, install it after Step 3.

You should be able to uninstall Chrome and reinstall Edge from MSI. Using the edited JSON on an updated install image, I was able to remove Edge and reinstall it.

Hi garlin, I think your suggestion is probably the most elegant approach for removal of Edge (Chromium) as an application. I just tried uninstalling and reinstalling Edge on a new image, and it works beautifully.