Guide: Optimized Image

One of the registry keys (I havent figured out which one yet) is preventing me from changing the background wallpaper for the lock screen.

Still searching.... driving my team crazy. Windows 11
Do you want the lock screen do automatic change?

To use a custom image, make sure the registry tweak is set to 0 instead of 1:
I use this reg tweak to disable background picture on sign-in screen:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

I have tried to add a Windows 8 background image on logon screen but that hasn't been posible to me.
SearchOrderConfig has been around since W7.
I was using XP on my main machine until W10, so I missed out. This key is also not in any Tenforums tutorials (though it appears in comments from someone trying to get Brink to update a tutorial), nor can you capture it using regcompare anymore on W10, you have to manually dive into the registry or pull it from another program like NTLite. AeonX pointed that out too (link). Anywho, you won't find the combination of FlightSettingsMaxPauseDays plus SearchOrderConfig anywhere on Google. It was a painstaking effort to come up with this image on Home edition that made Windows Update work more like it used to in the old days, where users had some control.
This might be a case when W10 tries to be more fine-grained, but Microsoft's obsession with backwards compatibility trumps all other settings.
Much like you're not supposed to enable SkipUserOOBE or SkipMachineOOBE, but those still work and break things.
Yeah, I've learned so much over the last 12 months on W10. I would definitely tackle things differently if I did it all over again, but hindsight is 20/20 :)

That Nvidia thread is making me realize this too. With how locked down W10/W11 are, it probably would have been faster for me to have loaded up a W7 image, fully configured it the way I wanted to using regcompare tools and such, and then transitioned over to W10 and tested each key to see which ones still work. Man I could have saved so much time that way lol.
and there was no change in how Windows Update handles drivers, with the exception of the newly added SearchOrderConfig. To clarify, I don't think the keys that are suggested are incorrect, rather they just do not apply to Home edition and/or 21H2.
This is correct behavior, so Microsoft fixed it. The only reg value that should stop Windows from installing non-existing drivers using Windows Update is SearchOrderConfig, the other values are for other purposes. But that doesn't stop Windows from automatically installing drivers that natively exist in Windows (Example: network drivers).

On older builds of Windows 10 there are reports that all the reg values I posted are required but I haven't personally tested this.

If you don't want Windows Update to update already installed drivers when you click "Check for updates" on Windows Update page at you should use ExcludeWUDriversInQualityUpdate.

I don't know what PreventDeviceMetadataFromNetwork exactly does but I believe it prevents downloading additional software that is not essential for the driver to work.

you have to manually dive into the registry or pull it from another program like NTLite. AeonX pointed that out too (link).
Yes, Microsoft is removing a lot of things from the UI but for some things the equivalent reg value still works. Windows error reporting for example can no longer be disabled via the UI but the reg value for this captured in Win 7 works, the only other way is to use GPO.

EditionWindows 10Windows 11
Windows SENoYes

I believe the original intent of this setting was to prevent HW configs (metadata) from being sent to MS (privacy). The side effect is of course, it prevents WU from finding new drivers which match the same specs.
great guide sir , still there are i guess million files in components is there any safe list to look forward 2 ?
If you mean which components in NTLite can be safely removed, then unfortunately I can't help. Right now I'm working on tweaking everything else, and will get around to messing with component removals in the future. The only component I remove at this time is OneDrive. The rest of my guide is accomplished by integrating registry files, plus the two xml files used by Windows (defaultslayouts, layoutmodification).

That doesn't mean you shouldn't try to remove components, me personally I'm just very methodical and meticulous in my testing and so it's a slow process of what does and doesn't make it into each new image that I create. Since component removals can break things, I've chosen to put those as the very last thing on my todo list.

If you have a machine that's purely dedicated to just gaming or something simple, feel free to combine the GamerOS preset with my guide here. My guide was meant to be modular, which means you can pick it apart and use pieces from it that you want, or in theory combine it into an NTLite built-in preset or someone else's custom preset (I haven't tested it yet myself).

For anyone that wants to try combining them, you would first take an NTLite built-in preset or the GamerOS preset, process that, then when the image is complete, take that image and follow my guide to add my stuff on top of it. It's possible there might be a conflict, but it should be minor and easy to fix if one appears. Any errors you come across will more than likely be from component removals though, so be sure to post those questions in the appropriate locations, and not in this thread unless you're fairly certain a registry key here caused a problem.
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If you mean which components in NTLite can be safely removed, then unfortunately I can't help. Right now I'm working on tweaking everything else, and will get around to messing with component removals in the future. The only component I remove at this time is OneDrive. The rest of my guide is accomplished by integrating registry files, plus the two xml files used by Windows (defaultslayouts, layoutmodification).

That doesn't mean you shouldn't try to remove components, me personally I'm just very methodical in my testing and so it's a slow process of what does and doesn't make it into each new image that I create. Since component removals can break things, I've chosen to put those as the very last thing on my todo list.

If you have a machine that's purely dedicated to just gaming or something simple, feel free to combine the GamerOS preset with my guide here. My guide was meant to be moduler, which means you can pick it apart and use pieces from it that you want, or in theory combine it into an NTLite built-in preset or someone else's custom preset (I haven't tested it yet myself).

For anyone that wants to try combining them, you would first take an NTLite built-in preset or the GamerOS preset, process that, then when the image is complete, take that image and follow my guide to add my stuff on top of it. It's possible there might be a conflict, but it should be minor and easy to fix if one appears. Any errors you come across will more than likely be from component removals though, so be sure to post those questions in the appropriate locations, and not in this thread unless you're fairly certain a registry key here caused a problem.
on my way to the suggestion you gave sir , thanks alot i bought this tool and whats the use if i cannot / wont experiment ...thanks sir again
sohey, any advice on how to track down a windows iso from 2 years ago LOL?
i'm about to just do all of this on a 21h1 july version
sohey, any advice on how to track down a windows iso from 2 years ago LOL?
i'm about to just do all of this on a 21h1 july version

I think it would be safer to use a newer ISO version

Windows 10, version 21H1 will reach the end of servicing on December 13, 2022. This applies to all editions of Windows 10, version 21H1, released in May of 2021:

  • Windows 10 Enterprise, version 21H1
  • Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session, version 21H1
  • Windows 10 Education, version 21H1
  • Windows 10 IoT Enterprise, version 21H1
  • Windows 10 Home, version 21H1
  • Windows 10 Pro, version 21H1
  • Windows 10 Pro Education, version 21H1
  • Windows 10 Pro for Workstations, version 21H1
These editions will no longer receive security updates after December 13, 2022. Customers who contact Microsoft Support after this date will be directed to update their device to the latest version of Windows 10 or Windows 11 to remain supported.

Altho it is your own choice, a good place to start looking for one would be google
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cfg in security tweaks is needed somehow for wsl2 as i can finally get to know , the reg removed defender and all traces of App & Browser control under windows security... is there a way to activate it ?
I haven't heard anything about control flow guard (cfg) being required for WSL (windows subsystem for linux). I'm not saying you're wrong, but can you explain how you came to that conclusion so I can learn?

Nothing in this image is "removed" (uninstalled). It's only disabled via registry keys. If your image requires *any* feature at all that is disabled in my guide, you have a few easy options to customize it to your needs:

Option 1: On your live install go to whatever you need in the user interface and toggle it.
Note: there are a few keys that are group policies, and those have to be deleted via regedit since you cannot toggle them from the user interfaces.

Option 2: While making this image in NTLite, right-click on the .reg files and "edit" them before you integrate, and then just delete or toggle the keys to suit your needs. In your case you could probably delete a lot of the stuff inside the security file which will leave Windows at its defaults for things like CFG.

All the reg files have full comments on every individual key, it should be very easy to find and toggle what you are looking for, and in the few cases it's not obvious, some Googling of those keys should reveal the answers. Or post here for help if you still can't figure something out.
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I haven't heard anything about control flow guard (cfg) being required for WSL (windows subsystem for linux). I'm not saying you're wrong, but can you explain how you came to that conclusion so I can learn?

Nothing in this image is "removed" (uninstalled). It's only disabled via registry keys. If your image requires *any* feature at all that is disabled in my guide, you have a few easy options to customize it to your needs:

Option 1: On your live install go to whatever you need in the user interface and toggle it.
Note: there are a few keys that are group policies, and those have to be deleted via regedit since you cannot toggle them from the user interfaces.

Option 2: While making this image in NTLite, right-click on the .reg files and "edit" them before you integrate, and then just delete or toggle the keys to suit your needs. In your case you could probably delete a lot of the stuff inside the security file which will leave Windows at its defaults for things like CFG.

All of the reg files have full comments on every individual key, it should be very easy to find and toggle what you are looking for, and in the few cases it's not obvious, some Googling of those keys should reveal the answers. Or post here for help if you still can't figure something out.

i was searching when this github solution came across
option 1 and 2 are kinda new to me i still have to learn how ntlite works..but will surely check
and in ur reg file sir it removes every single trace of
Windows Security > App & browser control > Exploit protection settings > Control flow guard (CFG)

leaves no place to go and edit

i also found cfg comment in security reg
; Start > Windows Security > App & browser control > Exploit protection settings > Control flow guard (CFG) > Off by default
but has no key edit attached to it
In the security reg file, the control flow guard does have a key underneath it, there should be like 7 comments ontop of a key, that's because that key is the configuration for all of those comments stacked above it.

The issue you're having though is that I think GamerOS uninstalls defender as well as security center, and that's why you cannot toggle it. Like I said before if you use that preset it will uninstall components completely, and you lose functionality. You need to uncheck the windows defender component from the GamerOS preset xml.

Basically this isn't my guide's fault, it's that other preset's issue, so you'll have to troubleshoot over in that thread for anything that has to do with component removals.